
Showing posts from March, 2022

Cosmetic Limb Lengthening in India | Best Limb Lengthening Surgeon in India-Height Increase Info

  How does limb lengthening work? During surgery, the doctor will cut the bone to create two separate bone segments. The surgical procedure to cut a bone is called an osteotomy. Additional soft-tissue procedures may be done at the same time to prepare the muscles and nerves for lengthening. For example, surgically lengthening the Achilles tendon may be done to make a tibial (shin bone) lengthening go easier. The doctor will also apply an orthopedic lengthening device to the bone. Orthopedic lengthening devices that are inserted into the bone are called internal devices, such as the Precice nail. Orthopedic lengthening devices that remain outside of the body are called external fixators, such as the Taylor Spatial Frame or the Ilizarov device. After surgery, the bones are allowed to rest for five to seven days to begin the healing process. This period of time is called the latency period. After the latency period, the patient will adjust the orthopedic device so that it slowly pul...

What is Limb Lengthening-Limb Lengthening | Cosmetic Limb Lengthening

What Is Limb Lengthening-What Is the Process of Limb Lengthening What is limb lengthening? Limb lengthening refers to the procedure of extending the legs or arms by lengthening the bones.   This gradual process is used to lengthen the bones and soft tissue (skin, muscle, nerves, etc.)   The length of the bones and soft tissues (skin, muscles, nerves, etc.) gradually increase in length.   The process can take several months.   The limb lengthening process can be combined with a gradual or severe deformity correction.   The International Center for Limb Lengthening routinely lengthens the hummers (upper arm bone), radius/ulna, femur(thigh bone), and tibias (shin bones). What is the process of limb lengthening? The doctor will remove the bone and create two distinct bone segments during surgery.   An osteotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting a bone.   Other soft-tissue procedures can be performed simultaneously to prepare the muscles for ...