Limb Lengthening Surgery in India | Height Increase Info
Limb Lengthening | Limb Lengthening Surgery Cost in India There are three stages in the limb lengthening surgery : The operation is performed on both legs at the same time and has 3 stages. 1. Operation. During this time ilizarov device is fixed on both legs, then osteotomy (bone cut) is done, and bone fragments are fixed with the device. 2. Distraction. Gradual lengthening of the limb. It begins approximately 1 week after the surgery. The rate of distraction, i.e., the rate of extension is 0.75-1 mm per day and depends on individual endurance to the procedure by the patient. Thus, the period of distraction by 5 cm takes 50-60 days. 3. Consolidation (fixation). At the end of distraction the period of fixation is started, which lasts approximately twice as long as lengthening in pure ilizarov procedure and in LON method (Lengthening over nail) once distraction is done then external fixation can be remove. Rehabilitation period after LL surgery. Patients are gradually increasin...