Limb Lengthening

How The Limb is Lengthen

The bone that is to be lengthened is cut into the proximal third, referred to as osteotomy Metal. Screws or pins are inserted between the skin and the bone. pins are placed over as well below where the cuts are in the bone stitches. These stitches are utilized to close the wound.

A metallic device is connected to the pin inside the bone. It can be used later on to slowly pull the bone that has been cut to expand the space between the two ends of the bone and the cutting point. This will be filled with bone.

If the lengthening is done on the nail, the frame can be removed when the desired lengthening has been completed and the bone can heal on its own by forming calluses. This method is known as lengthening over nail. However, if lengthening is done purely with an external fixator, the fixator external is expected to be used until the new bone has created, which is known as the pure ilizaro method. In both instances, whether it's lengthening over nail , or pure ilizarov, lengthening is carried out very slowly around 1 millimeter per day.
While we are distracting the bone we have to regenerate the soft tissues,ligaments,blood vessels and nerves that surrounds the structure and support it.

As previously mentioned, two stages of healing follow. In the initial phase of destruction. In the destruction phase, the bone that was cut is slowly separated in a process that stimulates distraction osteogenesis and the growth of new bone. As the spaces between the two ends of the bone expands, the body continues to grow new tissue to fill in the space till the length desired of bone is achieved. Additional options can be used to correct any defect that could be present , such as an imbalance in the bone, like a misalignment of the bone as a result of birth defect or trauma. in this face . The patient walks with crutches. In the second phase of treatment, the bone is strengthened and heals the patient slowly add more weight to the affected limb and begin to work with no assistance.

Osteotomy and the placement on the device for external fixing is performed under epidural anesthesia. similar type of anesthesia that is given to many women during the birth process so that they can be awake during the operation should they choose to do so. normal hospital stay can last up to 5 days or more. The procedure is not a procedure within walls with no big incisions or bone grafts.

To determine the extent of lengthening, repeated series of radiographs have been taken to verify equal lengthening of each limb.

Time to recover from the lengthening of the limb

The process varies for each patient in the phase of consolidation. It is believed that one cm can take around one month to be consolidated, but it differs from individual to person's nutritional level. If levels of vitamin D3 as well as calcium levels are in line with normal the consolidation will occur in a normal time, however if nutrition levels are low , the slowing of the process could be more difficult. How much weight is borne to be determined based on the frame that is used . If the lengthening process is carried out with the method of pure ilizarov, the weight bearing will be greater than if lengthening is carried out over nails full weight bearing isn't allowed until complete consolidation.

Limb lending surgery is carried out safely and effectively both dirt and children, even in teens, forties, and thirties. For patients with children, the orthopedic surgeon will take special precautions to prevent injuries on the growth plate, and normal growth as well as osteogenesis are maintained during the recovery process.

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