How To Increase Height After 18 | How To Increase Height | Height Increase Info

 Height increase after 18

Human body is made of complex structures which includes Bones, muscles, Nerves, skin ,

arteries, organs And many more.

When we talk about growth we talk about our body structure which grows with age. Our body

structure growth depends on the Genetics, nutritional level and environmental factors, but it all

Helps to grow our structure before puberty once puberty hits the growth Stops.

Why we don't grow after the puberty

In human Bones we have epiphyseal growth which we call a growth plate.

Our bones are allowed to grow until the growth plates are not United. Once the growth plates

are United or joined the further growth of our bone structure stops. How we determine if our

growth plates fuse, can be very easily determined by doing a simple X-ray.

In X-ray or CT scans the growth plates are not visible and the bone structure seems to be

smooth and long means the epiphyseal plates are joint or fused. And once the Growth plates

are fused further growth of the structural human anatomy stops.

Is it possible to grow our height after puberty or the age of 18.

On a nutritional and environmental level it's not possible to grow tall once our epiphyseal plates

are joined but Here we are talking about some alternate method to increase our height.

How can we increase our height, How To Increase Height.

It is impossible to grow naturally after puberty but it is possible to grow our bones a few inches

further with the Surgical method. Yes it is possible. When we are talking about possibilities of

growing our height here we are talking about the Surgical method to grow our bones a few more

inches. Talking about growth surgically does not mean growing every bone in the body, here we

are talking about growing the long bones in human anatomy. How To Increase Height After 18.

How can surgery add a few more inches?

The Ilizarov method is one of the commonly used method to correct complex traumas and limb

deformities earlier, now this method is used for limb lengthening. The Surgical implication of the

method is to make an osteotomy in the proximal bone and distract both the ends further till the

soft tissues are allowed, then the gap which is created between both the ends is filled by our

natural callus growth.

Height might be a very crucial factor in an individual's personal and mental development. People

try every mean to increase their height either it's Surgical, by pills or by exercising.

There are so many pills which claims to increase the growth of spine discs even after the fusion

of growth plates. The idea behind the pills for height increase is to stimulate the growth

hormones. But it's always advisable to take these pills under doctors supervision because it can

do more harms than good. Height Increase Info.

Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages

through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles and other tissues. These signals tell your body

what to do and when to do it. Hormones are essential for life and your health So we definitely

don't want to alter such an important and complex key of our body function. Limb Lengthening Cost in India.

It's not advisable to take any random height growth pills. Always talk to endocrinologist or right

doctor before buying or experimenting on your body.


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