External Lon Tibia Lengthening X-ray | Height Increase Info

 External Lon Tibia Lengthening X-ray

The safe limit for lengthening the tibia/femur is 6-8 cm (3 inches) with 1mm per day of distraction. Each cm requires approximately one month of recovery. If you are lengthening 5cm, it will take 2.5-3 months for lengthening. The next 2-3 months will be required to complete bone formation. The process of recovery is subjective.

Many people ask if they can do both fragment lengthening simultaneously. However, it is safer to do one at a time. Once one segment has fully recovered, you should then consider lengthening the other. Because the Lengthening procedures are complex enough for each segment, it is not recommended to do them together.

Cross Lengthening is required to achieve more than 8cm. Two surgeries are performed (one on Femur, the second on Tibia/Diagonal Lengthening). Cross Lengthening can achieve a maximum length of 12-15 cm.

Another option is Quadrilateral First Tibia Lengthening with 1-3 Months Gap and Femur Lengthening.

*The cost for Cross Lengthening/Quadrilateral Lengthening can be calculated as a combination of two or more surgeries. *

The person who has undergone surgery will need to remain in a guesthouse until the Lengthening process is completed.

The patient can return to home with a wheelchair or elbow crutches after lengthening has been completed. Patients may extend their stay in our facility until they feel comfortable returning to their homes.

This procedure is extremely complex and requires careful supervision. We recommend that the patient remain under our watch throughout the lengthening process.

Patients who are in the frames require supervision and assistance 24 hours a day.

For More Details-Limb Lengthening Surgery

Limb Lengthening Cost in India


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