Limb Lengthening Surgery: Internal Lengthening Device | Height Increase Info

 Internal Lengthening Device

Surgery to lengthen the length of your limb according to what the term implies is the process of lengthening the leg. The procedure involves the body's capacity to create new bone. The process starts by performing an operation known as an osteotomy, where the surgeon cuts into the bone to be lengthened , and is held in place by various external or internal devices. Then it is displaced by the internal or external device, and creating a gap between the two sides of bone. The gap is filled in by the newly formed bone. This process is known as osteogenesis with distraction.

In the past, the technique of is used to treat the complicated fractures, deformities of the Limb or trauma. It was also used for non union bone transfers.

How is the limb lengthened

The bone that needs to be lengthened is cut through the proximal 1/3 , a procedure called osteotomy.
Screws or metal pins are put through the skin and then into the bone. pins are placed above and below bone stitches. They are used to close the wound.
A metallic device is fixed to the pin inside the bone. It can be used later on to slowly pull the fractured bone to expand the gap between the ends of the bone and the cutting point. This will be filled with bone.

If the procedure to lengthen the limb is performed over nail, the frame may be removed after the desired lengthening procedure is completed and allow the bone to heal on its own by forming calluses. This method is known as lengthening nail over nail. However, when lengthening is done exclusively over an external fixators, the fixator's external component is believed to be used until the new bone has formed , and this is known as pure ilizarov method. In both cases, whether it's lengthening nail over nail or just pure ilizarov , the lengthening process is carried out in a very slow manner, about 1mm per day.
While we are distracting the bone we have to regenerate the soft tissues,ligaments,blood vessels and nerves that surrounds the structure and support it.

As previously mentioned, two stages of healing follow. In the initial phase of destruction. In the destruction phase, the bone that was cut is slowly separated in a process that encourage distraction osteogenesis or the growth of new bone. The space between the ends of the bone opens up the body continues to create new tissue to fill in the space till the length desired of bone is achieved. Additional methods can be used to correct any deviation that might exist, for instance, osteoporosis like a misalignment of the bone as a result of birth defect or trauma. in this face . The patient walks with crutches. In the second phase of treatment, the bone becomes more solid and heals, the patient gradually add more weight to the affected limb. The affected limb begins to function with no assistance.

Osteotomy and the placement on the device for external fixing is performed under epidural anesthesia. similar type of anesthesia that can be experienced by many women during the birth process so that they can be awake during the operation should they choose to do so. typical hospital stay lasts from 3 to 5 to 7 days. The procedure does not require procedure inside walls, no huge incisions or bone grafts.

To determine the extent of lengthening, repeated series of radiographs have been taken to verify equal lengthening of both limbs.

Limb Lengthening Surgery
Height Increase Surgery in india


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